We are located at the Institute of Aerodynamics and Gas Dynamics at the University of Stuttgart, associated with the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering and Geodesy and the Stuttgart Center for Simulation Science.
We develop, build, and analyze numerical methods for everything that flows and run large-scale simulations on HPC systems - from tiny droplets getting hit by shock waves to airplane aerodynamics. Our main focus are high order Discontinuous Galerkin methods and our open source code framework FLEXI with all its offsprings. Feel free to look around!
If you are interested in working with us as a student assistant (HiWi), intern, researcher, PhD student, PostDoc or just come by for a visit, please get in touch!
Latest News
26 Feb 2025
New Preprint!
With hp-adaptivity towards the H2-age! In our latest preprint, we present an hp-adaptive hybrid Discontinuous-Galkerin/Finite-Volume discretization for the solution of compressible multi-component flows on non-conforming grids. Using this innovative numerical scheme, we simulated a large scale LES of a supersonic H2-jet mixing with air.
28 Jan 2025
Welcome Jovan Boskovic!
We are introducing our new group member, Jovan Boskovic! Jovan earned his master's degree from the University of Tübingen and is joining us as a PhD student. His research will focus on the Uncertainty Analysis of Aerodynamics of Satellites in very low earth orbit. Welcome to the group, Jovan! It's great to have you on board!
27 Jan 2025
New FLEXI Release online!
FLEXI v24.12 is here! The Numerics Research Group (NRG) releases its latest code update from 2024. The new FLEXI version includes many improvements, like FV/DG blending, a new SplitDG formulation on Gauss nodes and a compressible TGV testcase, to name just a few highlights.
17 Jan 2025
Pioneering Exascale on JUPITER
We are glad to announce that our proposal "Accelerating Discontinuous Galerkin for High Performance Computational Fluid Dynamics" was accepted as an Exascale Pioneer Project on the JUPITER cluster! This grant provides us with the opportunity to push the limits on extreme HPC with studies on challenging aerodynamic problems like transsonic shock-buffeting.
17 Jan 2025
New Preprint!
Coupling an Eulerian flow description with a Lagrangian particle phase is quite challenging, both numerically and algorithmically. If you add high order discretizations, compressible flows, particle collisions and parallelization to the mix, things become quite wild. If you are interested in strategies on how to handle particle-particle and particle-fluid interactions efficiently on HPC systems, our new preprint is something for you.
06 Dec 2024
GALÆXI on Jupiter!
After successful participation in the JUPITER Research and Early Access Program (JUREAP) program with our exascale code GALÆXI, we are happy that our shock-boundary layer interaction on a wing has now been selected as a JUPITER use case in the Thermal Engineering/Process Engineering - Fluid Mechanics section. We really cannot wait to get going on Europe's first exascale machine!
15 Nov 2024
Welcome Giuseppe di Matteo
It is a pleasure to announce that Giuseppe di Matteo recently joined our group! He graduated in automotive engineering and received his degree from the university of Modena and Reggio Emilia. Giuseppe will be working on the investigation of fluid structure interactions of next-generation aircrafts in high fidelity simulations with respect to flutter prediction. It is great to have you on the team!
12 Nov 2024
We have open positions!
You are interested in aerodynamics and want to dive into the world of AI and machine learning? Great! Then you are perfectly right at our group. We currently offer a range of doctoral research and postdoc positions in the field of turbulence modeling, AI and aerodynamics.
01 Nov 2024
Welcome Felix Rodach
We are happy to announce, that Felix Rodach is joining our team to advance the development of active flow control using our Reinforcement Learning Framework RELEXI. Felix received his masters degree from the Institut of Technology in Karlsruhe, were he was working on active flow control on a transonic wing section. Welcome on board!
22 Oct 2024
New Paper: Numerical Simulation of Phase Transition with the Hyperbolic Godunov-Peshkov-Romenski Model
In our latest publication, we explore the process of phase-transition with the continuum model of Godunov, Peshkov and Romenski. A key aspect of this work is a novel two-phase Riemann-solver that combines information of the macroscopic continuum scale with a local thermodynamic model on the micro scale at the phase boundary.
11 Oct 2024
Paper Alert!
GALÆXI: Solving complex compressible flows with high-order discontinuous Galerkin methods on accelerator-based systemsWe published a new paper in Computer Physics Communications. The paper describes the ideas and strategies we used to port our code FLEXI to GPUs and presents the energy-efficiency of the GPU version, which comes with a new name: GALÆXI.
01 Oct 2024
Welcome Rohan Kaushik
We are introducing to you our new group member Rohan Kaushik! Rohan received his masters degree in aerospace engineering from the TU Delft and will support our group as a PHD student. The main focus of his work will be on machine learning approaches for closure schemes in Large Eddy Simulations in context of free and multiphase flows. Welcome to the team, it is great to have you on board!
01 Oct 2024
Welcome Quentin Didierlaurent
Quentin is visiting the Numerics Research Group in Stuttgart for one month to learn about the implementation of DG-methods for compressible flows. He is a PHD student form Aix-Marseille University in France, working on the modelling of the Navier-Stokes-Korteweg equations for resolving phenomena near the thermodinamic critical point. We are happy to have you in the group and are looking forward to fruitful discussions!
15 July 2024
Welcome Oscar Marino
We are happy to announce that Oscar Marino is visiting the Numerics Research Group in Stuttgart for two weeks. Oscar is a postdoctoral researcher at Polytecnic University of Madrid (UPM), working on the HORSES3D code. His main research interests are CFD, aeroacoustics, renewable energies, numerical methods and turbulent flows. We are looking forward to interesting discussions with you!
29 May 2024
Congratulations, Marcel Blind
It is a pleasure to announce that Marcel Blind has successfully defended his thesis on "Large Eddy Simulation of the Interaction between the Wing Wake and Horizontal Tail Plane under Buffet Conditions". Congratulations for your outstanding scientific work Marcel!
17 May 2024
New publication in Physics of Fluids: Comparison of high-order numerical methodologies for the simulation of the supersonic Taylor–Green vortex flow
In this paper, we compare different high order codes from around the world for comrpressible turbulence! Which discretization gives the sharpest shocks and the most resolved turbulent scales?
13 May 2024
Congratulations, Pascal Mossier
With great pleasure we announce that Pascal Mossier has successfully defended his thesis on "An hp-Adaptive Strategy for Compressible Droplet Dynamics with Phase Transition". Hats off to you, Pascal, for your impressive work!
8 May 2024
New publication in Physics of Fluids: Wall-modeled large eddy simulation of a tandem wing configuration in transonic flow
The paper presents the interaction between a turbulent wake and the boundary layer of a horizontal tail plane in transonic flow, utilizing a two-stage numerical approach combining a precursor detached eddy simulation and wall-modeled large eddy simulation.
01 Apr 2024
Welcome Jannik Schrempp
With Jannik Schrempp, we can announce yet again a new member for our research team. Welcome! He will be continuing our research on wall modeled LES for the study of transsonic buffet phenomena in the scope of the CEEC-project.
01 Feb 2024
Welcome Spencer Starr
We are happy to announce a new group member: Spencer Starr. He will be our new expert in GPU programming and support the development of GALÆXI to advance towards supersonic and hypersonic reacting flows.